Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Snip by Any Other Name

The title of this blog, Snippets, was chosen because of the nature of its contents (little bits of everything) and because my long-time nickname is Snip.  When hearing the nickname, people always want to know where it came from. "Why Snip?" as if there's some easy explanation.

There are really only two kinds of nicknames, the obvious ones (Al, for Alison, or Scottie, for our Scottish receptionist at work) and the ones that came about in a bizarre way, after a bender in Vegas, or have evolved over the years.  Snip is one of those kinds of nicknames, minus the Vegas part. It came about in a bizarre way, almost 12 years ago, and evolved from its original form. And now that I'm an adult, retelling a story that happened when I was (ahem) 14 years old just doesn't seem appropriate.  Recently, I've been tempted to make things up.

Why do they call you Snip?
My teacher thought I had a snippy personality.

Why do they call you Snip?

I loved Rice Krispies so much--remember Snap, Crackle, and Pop?--that my parents joked I was the fourth Krispie elf, Snip.

Why do they call you Snip?

I work part time as a moile.

Are any of these the real story? No. Am I going to tell you the real story...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Behind the Headlines

In the news: 

CINCINNATI -- Police arrested a man after he was found passed out in a drive-thru line Tuesday night in Colerain Township.

Deputies say 52-year-old Thomas Tauscher of Arcanum, Ohio, drove to the Skyline in the 10000 block of Colerain Avenue and fell asleep in the drive-thru line.

The part they didn't print in the paper:

The drunk driver was discovered asleep by the people in the vehicle behind his.  "He was slumped over the steering wheel, man," said the red-eyed driver, who declined to give his name. "I was like, move it dude, I want my chili!"

"I really wanted some cheesey chili," said the passenger, who also declined to be identified. "I was going to get me a three-way. Ha! Three-way!" The passenger then laughed for four minutes before getting back into his vehicle, which smelled vaguely of skunk and incense.

Read the true story here: Drunk Driver Passes Out in Drive-Thru
And if you've never been to Cincinnati, and have no idea what a three-way is: Skyline Chili

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't Do What to the Alligators?

I took this photo during a recent trip to Florida.

Somewhere the alligators  have a sign that says: "Danger!  Beware of humans offering food.  They may be trying to lure you in so that they can molest you!!"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Imaginary Comedy Routine

Sometimes I think that if this whole writing thing doesn’t work out, I should try standup comedy.  No, really.

I’ve thought about it a lot actually.  What would be my angle?  My opener?  I’ve decided I would definitely be one of those self-deprecating* comics. Most of my act would involve making fun of myself: my gangly-ness, my klutziness, my knack for getting myself into extremely awkward situations.  Like the time I thought it would be awesome to take up power lifting.  (More on that later.)  Or the time I thought it was a great idea to take in the stray cat I’d found that had cajones the size of tennis balls.  Or the time I helped a visually- and hearing-impaired man complete a marathon—while he took a smoke break every two miles.

So that would be my angle.  And I’d have to make fun of my appearance too, of course.  Every great comedian has done that: Farley, Belushi, Candy.  But since I don’t exactly have the “funny fat guy” thing going for me, I would probably riff on my tiny golf ball head or my bony knees. But I think my main shtick would be, "Attractive, but not attractive enough."  Here's how it works. I'd get on stage and say:

“I'm attractive enough that guys hit on me in bars, but not attractive enough that the losers still think they have a shot. Like, someone will buy me a drink—yeah!—but he's got a leering expression and he’s a little cross-eyed.  And he’s creepy enough that I have excuse myself to the restroom just to pour out the drink—because I'm 90% sure there's roofies in it.”

Are you rolling on the floor yet?  No?  Well, then I’d have a hilarious (true!) story to back this up:

“This one time, I was out with some girlfriends in Chicago. And I hadn't seen one of the girls in years, so I was really excited to catch up with her. But this random guy—I don't remember what he looked like, probably pretty average in every way—kept trying to talk to me. And I was blowing him off, because I was more interested in talking with my friend. So eventually he gets the hint, looks me up and down, and goes, ‘You're not that good looking.’”

Zing!  Get it?  Like, I was attractive enough for him to hit on, but ugly enough that I should have been grateful for his attention…I swear, if I told it on stage it would sound funny and not totally pathetic and sad.

Okay, the material’s a little rough, but there’s something there!  Either way, I think I’ll stick to the writing thing, at least for now.

*I’ve also thought of a comedy bit about a self-deprecating rapper.  This joke hasn’t gotten past the idea stage, but I think there’s a lot to be mined here: someone who raps about having no money, aluminum fillings, scuffed sneakers from Payless, and how he can only hook up with girls with bony asses.  Hilarious.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Call Me "TwatTurtle"

Okay, so I saw this graffiti in my neighborhood the other day.  I'm no expert on tagging, but, really?  DickChicken?  Is that supposed to be cool or intimidating?  I think the other graffiti artists told him it was a great idea, and are now laughing at him behind his back.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

T.S. Eliot Was Right

April is still the cruelest month.
But my boyfriend came back,
and now the smoke detector is fixed.
It went off today as I made dinner.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

WTF Photo of the Day

It says, "This plant is free but it has lice.  Take at your own risk (if you can treat it)."

Park Slopians, you are so strange sometimes.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Anger Mismanagement

I wouldn't normally consider myself an angry person.  I'm a patient person, perhaps even a nice person.  But even nice, patient people have their breaking points.

This has been the Week That Everything Went Wrong.  And I can't discuss any of it—in most cases, because it's private, and in one case, because I am under oath.

So today, I snapped.  I was attempting to cook two pounds of bacon, and the smoke detector kept going off.  And it's really really loud.  So I was running back and forth between the kitchen and the smoke detector—which, I might add, I need a stool to reach.  And because my attention was divided, the bacon started to burn.  I'd have to run back to take it out of the pan.  Then the smoke detector would start going off; I had to run back to press the button.  Over and over and over.

Eventually, I had it.  I started cursing.  I started whaling on the smoke detector.  I ripped it out of the ceiling.  The noise stopped.

Now my cat is terrified of me, I could die in my sleep tonight in a fire, and I am totally dead when my boyfriend gets home and sees what I've done—but it was worth it.  The dish I was attempting to make for a potluck tonight is in the oven, I'm no longer waving a towel under the smoke detector, and the apartment is blissfully and completely quiet.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Proof Good Things Do Happen

After a very long and difficult week, I received this e-mail today.  I'm not sure if I can make it, but I will try:

Dedication of Central Park Reservoir Running Track To Alberto Arroyo, "The Mayor of Central Park."

Monday,  April 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pump House,  south end of the Reservoir Running Track 

You're all invited to come and honor Alberto Arroyo who, for over seven decades, spurred so many of us on with his calls of: "Hey, looking good!"

Central Park Conservancy President Douglas Blonsky and Commissioner of Parks Adrien Benepe will unveil a plaque officially dedicating the path to Alberto, in recognition of his dedication to the park, the city, and its people. 

If you don't know who Alberto Arroyo is, you can read about him here:
A story from the Times last year
His obituary on Gothamist
A mention on Runner's World

It's too bad he wasn't alive to see the dedication—but I guess that's how these things usually work.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Needed something to cheer me up.  Thanks to the other Steph for the link!

I want pie! I want beef jerky!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I freaking love this commercial. It only comes on after 1 A.M. in the NYC area, or maybe just Brooklyn. I'm not sure.

I wanted to share because:

1) It's hilarious

2) Whenever someone thanks me for something, I will now respond by making a sweeping arm motion and saying, "We make your dreams come true!" in a stilted, accented voice. I want to make sure people get the joke.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tough Day

Reina has had a really rough day. Some dogs have moved in next door, and they've been roaming around the yard and barking. She's spent the whole day looking out the windows and walking around with a bristly tail. (For those of you who aren't familiar with cat body language, a bristled tail is feline for, "HOLY S*&$!") Now it's time for a much-deserved nap.

Queen of Hearts

What I'm about to confess may seem shocking, even enviable, but I'm here to argue that it's actually a burden. Here goes: I've never been dumped.

Okay, this is not entirely true. I was dumped by my very first boyfriend, Pat M—, in ninth grade. That courtship lasted approximately 11 days, during which time we saw one movie (his sister drove us), talked on the phone a few times, and never even kissed. I remember being sad for a few days afterwards. His reason for dumping me? He wanted to date my friend Jessica S— instead. I can't really blame him. While she and I shared similar attributes: we were both in Advanced Math, were thin and had brown hair—Jessica was endowed with the more ample chest. And while she and I shared the same circle of friends, she had the edge when it came to popularity. She had her pick of guys, which is probably why she and Pat never went out. Good thing too, or my misery may have extended a whole week.